Dr. Nina Jajčanin Jozić

During my PhD work at Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Croatia, my main research focus was on dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III) proteins. DPP III belongs to an evolutionary conserved family of cytosolic zinc-metallopeptidases (M49 or DPP III family), peptidases which are involved in protein catabolism and oxidative stress response. My main goal was to investigate biochemical properties, catalytic mechanism, structure-function properties and protein interactions of DPP III from yeast S. cerevisiae.
In December 2014 I have been awarded a Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-COFUND NEWFELPRO fellowship for research project on RHBDD2 rhomboid psudoprotease in Freeman group. RHBDD2 is a protein of unknown function, and my recent results imply that this protein could have important role in regulating cell signalling through process called ciliogenesis.
email: nina.jajcaninjozic (at)path.ox.ac.uk